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Lunch Supervision

Fee Schedule:  $11.00 per month per child, or $110.00 per year.  Thorncliffe at this time can only accept cash or cheques.  Please make cheques out to Thorncliffe School. 

Drop In Fee per day:  $2.00

Thorncliffe Elementary School Lunch Supervision Expectations

1. Students eat in their classrooms under supervision of Thorncliffe School staff.  Due to the possibility of allergies, please do not send items containing nuts to school with your child.

2. Students will request permission to leave the room and notify supervisors when they return.

3. Students will bring a note to the lunchroom supervisors when they are not coming to the lunchroom or when they have permission to go elsewhere at lunch.  (Please note:  Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds to go to the store or other areas at anytime.)  The front of the school is out of bounds to the students as a play area.

4. Students will finish their lunch prior to going outside.

5. Student will be responsible for cleaning up their area after finishing their lunch.

6. Students will be expected to dress appropriately and go directly outside (weather permitting) at 12:00 p.m. and remaining outdoors until the 12:15 p.m. bell.  When students are outside they are to follow playground expectations.  Students may enter the school with permission from supervisor or in the event of an emergency.  If the weather is inclement, students will be supervised indoors.


Student misbehaviour during lunch may be dealt with in the following ways: 

  • Reminders of the expectations and the reasons for the expectations.
  • Coaching of appropriate behaviours
  • Eating in an alternate, supervised location
  • Discussion with parents of a possible termination of lunch room privileges. 

NOTE:  If supervision fees are not paid by the end of the first week of the month, students will be removed from this lunch program as per Edmonton Public Schools Board Policy regulations.  Parents then become immediately responsible for their child’s lunch supervision.